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Library card at Sølvberget Library and Culture House

Library Use and Services

The library card gives you access to knowledge and experiences for free. Find practical information about how to use the library services.

Get a Library Card

With a library card, you get access to the library’s services. You can choose between a national or a local library card, depending on your needs:

Library card for Sølvberget - Stavanger Library: This card is accepted at Stavanger Library at Sølvberget, the branches at Madla, Finnøy and Rennesøy as well as outreach services. The card is free of charge.

Bibliotekkort – the key to Norwegian libraries: This is a national library card that is accepted at most Norwegian libraries. It can only be issued to individuals, i.e., not to schools or institutions. The card is free of charge. To obtain a national library card, we need to register the following information in our common database.

  • User-id
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Enciphered national identification number
  • Name
  • Up to two postal addresses
  • Telephone number(s)
  • E-mail address
  • Your local library
  • PIN code for self-service machines and the library’s web solutions
  • Information on which libraries a user is affiliated with

Details of loans, reservations, black-listings and other relations between the user and each library, is stored only in the library.

Personal Data Protection

LÅNEKORTET complies with the rules that apply to personal data protection:

  • Only information considered non-sensitive in connection with the Data Protection Act is stored. Personal identification numbers are necessary for unambiguous identification of individuals but are stored enciphered to avoid reconstruction and misuse.
  • Contact details will not be sold or passed on to other parties.
  • All communication between each library and the central user register is enciphered and protected by username and password.
  • All information will be stored only until the borrower requests the information deleted or until the library receives notification of death.
  • Responsible for the treatment of this information is Bibliotek-Systemer AS, by general manager, Boks 2093 Stubberød, 3255 LARVIK.
  • On Lanekortet.no you can check which information is stored about you at any time.
  • You may request your information altered or deleted at each library where you use your card.

If you do not want a library card that can be used in other libraries, you can choose to have your contact details stored at the central register. Notify staff at the counter of your local library and they will issue a library card only accepted locally. You must display valid ID to obtain either card.

FAQ - Library Cards. local or national?

If this doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to contact the library.

  • What is the difference between the two cards?
    One card is accepted only at the departments of the Stavanger Library whereas the other may be used at most libraries across the country.

  • Why can’t everyone just get a national card?
    When you apply for the national library card, you must state your national id number. This is not required for the local card. Those who do not wish to state their national id number can choose to be registered as a member of Stavanger Library only.

  • Why do I need to state my national id number to get the national card but not the one for Sølvberget?
    Because there is a higher risk of confusing members (because they have the same name or date of birth) when the membership covers all of Norway.

  • Do I need two cards?
    No. If you have the national card, Stavanger Library is one of the locations where you can use it.

  • Is there an updated index of all the libraries that accept the national card?
    Yes. On this page you will find an index of sites where your card is accepted.

  • Can I return items in another library than the one I borrowed them from?
    Yes, in Stavanger you can return items that belong to other libraries. This will vary from place to place so you are advised to check with the library where you want to return items.

  • Do the same rules apply in all the libraries?
    No. Each library has its own rules. You need to get familiar with the rules that apply where you borrow something, even if you have the national card. The various libraries also have different fine rates.

  • Is there an age limit for getting a library card?
    No, everyone is entitled to a library card. If you are under the age of 15, you need permission from a parent or guardian. This applies whether you want the national or the local library card.

Click and Collect a Title

Choose from a selection of thousands of titles. We’ve got something for all readers of all ages. Either visit the library to find and borrow material or you can order books, films and music via the Library app Bibliofil or from Min Side on Sølvberget's webpage. When the material is ready for pickup, you will receive an email or sms from the library. You can collect and borrow reserved books at Sølvberget on the 1. floor.

Due Dates, Reminders and Fees on Late Deliveries

It is free to borrow books, movies and music from the library. If you return them too late or forget to renew on time, a fee will be added to your library card. This is to ensure the material has a high turn-over to avoid too long waiting lists.

  • Min Side/My page: You can see the status of your loans and check if you owe fees by logging in to Min side/My page or on the app Bibliofil. Log in using your library card number and pin code or password.

  • Payment: You can pay your fee on the first floor at Sølvberget, at Madla, Finnøy or Rennesøy libraries. You can also pay through Min side/My page or Bibliofil with VIPPS or card.

  • Due time: Regular due time for borrowing is 28 days. 

  • Exceptions: 1-week-loans (can't be renewed). Films and magazines: 7 days, computer games and TV-series: 14 days.

  • Renewal: Loans can be renewed if the material is not reserved by other users. For material with a due time of 28 days, the maximum borrowing time is 120 days when renewed. For material with a due time of 7 or 14 days, the maximum borrowing time is 40 days when renewed.

  • Reminders: A reminder is sent 3 days before due date. For material reserved by other users, a reminder is sent the day after due date, but without a fee. For 1-week-loans a reminder is sent the day after due date, but without a fee. 

Overdue notice for material with a due time of 28 days

  • 1st overdue notice, with a fee, will be sent 3 days after due date.
  • 2nd overdue notice, with a fee, will be sent 17 days after due date.
  • A bill will be sent 31 days after due date (bills are sent once a month).

Overdue notice for material with a due time of 7 and 14 days

  • 1st overdue notice, with a fee, will be sent 3 days after due date.
  • 2nd overdue notice, with a fee, will be sent 10 days after due date.
  • A bill will be sent 17 days after due date (bills are sent once a month).


  • 1st overdue notice: 60 kr for adults, 20 kr for children
  • 2nd overdue notice: 120 kr for adults, 40 kr for children
  • Bill fee (in addition to the other fees): 150 kr for adults, 150 kr for children

Loan regulations at Stavanger Library

Rules for borrowing material and using library services at Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre. Sølvberget’s rules for loan and library use was passed by Stavanger Municipality’s Utvalg for kultur, idrett og samfunnsdialog 10. November 2021.

1. Legal regulations
With legal basis in the law on public libraries from 20 December 1985 nr. 108 § 4 third paragraph, Stavanger Municipality’s Utvalg for kultur, idrett og samfunnsdialog passes regulations for Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre.

2. Scope
These regulations apply to all loans at Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre including affiliated branches. The regulations also apply to the use of the self-service library.

3. Purpose
The purpose of these regulations are to; regulate the relationship between Sølvberget Library and Centre and its users, which is established when a user registers, and; stipulate rules for use of the library.

4. Principle of free access
Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre respects the fundamental principle that the public library should be available to all, and loans are therefore free of charge for all who has the right to borrow at the library.

5. Who can borrow?
Anyone with a registered residential address in Norway, and a valid library card. If you have a national library card issued by another library in Norway, you can activate this at Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre.

1: Adults (above age 18): Sølvberget can issue the national library card at Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre. Either by signing digitally through ID-porten, or in person presenting a valid ID*.

2: Children (under age 18): All children can obtain a library card, but children under age 15 must fill in the contact information of their parents/guardian in the registration form upon registration. The child must be accompanied by a parent/guardian when the card is issued. The parent/guardian must show a valid ID. (Exception: When children receive a new library card during a school visit a signed digital form filled in by a parent/guardian is sufficient). From age 15, the library card can be issued without the presence of a parent/guardian, either by signing digitally through ID-porten, or in person presenting a valid ID*.

3: Institutions: By agreement, institutions can obtain a library card to borrow material to be used for their own company activities. Loss and damages must be compensated according to the same rules and regulations as for personal users. Institution cards cannot be used for personal loans.

A valid ID will in this case be an identification of one of the following three forms: Norwegian Social Security Number, D-number or a DUF-number.

6. Privacy statement
Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre protects user privacy and personal information. This is handled in accordance with the rules for processing personal data (the Personal Data Act) and prevailing Norwegian regulations.

Sølvberget Library and Culture Centre has made a privacy statement, which describes which personal data is received, collected and treated when a user registers, uses “Min side” and visits the library’s webpage.

By personal data we mean information and evaluations connected to a user at individual level. Sølvberget encourages users to read the privacy statement carefully. All Sølvberget Library and Culture House’s employees sign a confidentiality agreement upon employment.

7. Registration
A user confirms that the library’s rules are read and accepted by ticking the box for agreeing to the conditions in the registration form. The library card number applies nationally. You must enter your Norwegian national identity number to obtain a library card. For persons with temporary residency in Norway, enter D- or DUF-number.

The borrower is at all times responsible for keeping contact information, like address, phone number, e-mail address and the like, updated and correct. E-mail and SMS are the library’s primary means of communication where these are stated. They will be used for information about reservations/orders, reminders/overdue notice, and other correspondence from the library.

8. Loan
To borrow from the library, the user must have an active library account. The material offered by the library is subject to regulations according to the Copy Right Act. This applies whether you borrow the book home or use it in the library. It applies to all material, both physical and digital. The user is responsible for complying with the Copy Right Act and violations may result in sanctions.

The owner of a library card may be held accountable for inflicted loss to the library if others misuse the card. Parents/guardians are responsible for material borrowed by children and youth up to the age of 18.

The user is responsible for all loans on their library account and for delivering borrowed material by the due date. The loan period depends on type of material. The library is not responsible if borrowed material, physical or digital, damages the user’s equipment.

9. Sanctions
By late delivery, or by loss or damage on borrowed material, the user is obligated to pay a fee in accordance with applicable fee rates.

When borrowed material has not been returned after two notices, the material will be regarded as lost, and the user is required to compensate the material in accordance with prevailing costs. If material is submitted, the library’s claim for compensation will be waived, but expenses and fees must be paid. When a library card is lost, the card's owner can get a new card for the prevailing cost. Loss or theft of a library card must be reported to the library so that the card can be barred.

Breach of these regulations can result in loss of the right to borrow.

10. Rules of order
Users of the library are required to follow the relevant regulations of the library.

11. Specifically regarding the self-service library
All users above age 16 can get access to the self-service library. The user is granted access through electronic identification at the entrance. This access is personal.

Parents/guardians can bring their children. Children cannot be left alone in the library during the self-service period.

The library is under video surveillance. Recordings are stored in accordance with existing laws and regulations. The surveillance is present for the security of library users and for the protection of the library’s inventory and equipment.

12. Implementation
These regulations were passed by Stavanger Municipality’s Utvalg for kultur, idrett og samfunnsdialog 10 November 2021.

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